
An Explanation of Bohemian Yenn

Lise the Bohemian by RenoirBohemian • Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits, with few permanent ties. Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers or vagabonds.

Yenn • Me

Starting with the easy explanation first, Yenn is simply me, a nickname I've had since before time began, nothing more.

But how is Yenn bohemian?
If I were to take my explanation from the above statement I would say Yenn is not necessarily unconventional though some of her methods may be, absolutely artistic and often in the company of like-minded people (her friends at the art school), and perhaps a bit of a wanderer at heart, if not physically a nomad.

Other artists far better than I have done the job of explaining through paint what I have trouble explaining in words. Lise the Bohemain as pictured above and done by Renoir is one of many outward manifestations of my soul, at least to me it is. Physically I portray the average Jane, clay & pain splattered jeans with a t-shirt of hoodie. Spiritually speaking this painting is a representation of how I really am, at least partially. I've come to the realization it's over-rated to try and prove to the world who you are by clothing alone, (for the most part, there are obvious exceptions to the rule). As far as the whole, is she goth, punk, emo, preppy, nerdy, etc. I hate labels but I do like making people wonder. Yet here I am giving myself the title of bohemian. Let's say it's not what I am all around, more like one of the many parts that makes up who I am.

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