
Spirit, an Art Show 2

The art show was last night and while I regrettably have no pictures to share the imagery is fresh in my mind. Awe inspiring talent hung on every wall, lurked every corner. To say the least it was an honour for my art to be hanging around some of the most gifted local talent. The atmosphere of it was a pure sugar rush to my head. Because I spend most my days not around fellow bohemians, this was a real treat for me. To be with other artists and learn the story of what their art means for them. I learned so much just being there and observing. Already ideas are brewing for the next show. This church does two a year, one in spring, then autumn. With enough heads up I shall certainly be able to create something even better for the next. Sadly I didn't price my art for sale. After receiving so many compliments, especially on the scratch board, I definitely think I should have. Needless to say I absolutely enjoyed myself and am very grateful to those who went to support me. I look forward with excitement to the next show.

Oh, and I met a professor from ODU, someone who very well could be a future teacher of mine.


I got in!

Just a quick note to say that two out of the four pieces I submitted for the art show got accepted! If you take a quick peak a couple entries down, it's the one titled Ambiguous Spiritus, and Angels Surround us. Opening reception in October 23, so stay tuned for an update about that.

Other than that, an update of ArtSoMoFo. I haven't been making art everyday, that is to say I haven't been making full completed works like I wanted. I am however making a lot of art anyway so I'm well please. That is all.


October is Art Month

Maybe not officially but for me at least, October is Art Month. I always try to do as much art as possible and until this past year it hasn't really been that much. It was about 2 years ago I came across a community somewhere on Livejournal that did something similar to NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, which takes place every November. Sadly I have yet to be able to find the community again since, nor can I find anything remotely like it online (but I know it exited once!) Even though I don't remember what trendy name they called it, the concept is the same. I am going to go every single day in October produce some sort of art, even if it's just a small piece. I've decided not to post what I have every day, but I'll wait until November 1st and make a slide or something of 31 Days of Art. Sounds like it should be fun. I'm cheating today and using the art I did from school to start me off with.

When I realized I had found the community through LJ, I just went to my LJ and browsed through the communities I was in! Yay! Now I'll get to do this with other artists and be inspired by what they do all month long. And FYI, they call it ArtSoMoFo, Art Something Mother Fu... yeah we'll just stick to ArtSoMoFo in here hahah.